Monday, September 8, 2008

NY giant player helping out

Plaxico Burress helping kids. Plaxico helps kids on his spare time.
He helps them by teaching them how to plat football. He also helps them by doing drills and plays with them. It shows good appreciation by this talented player to be helping these kids.

The location of this is New York U.S.A

Nermin K


Anonymous said...

Plaxico sounds like he is really giving back to the community. He sounds really nice.

Anonymous said...

Plaxico must be a really generous person. Its good that famous people look out for the not so fortunate. I for one respect him for giving back to the community by helping kids learn how to play football.

Anonymous said...

i think that that is a good thing to do like he is taking time out of his busy schedual to help thes kids sta off the streets and fron doing bad things

Anonymous said...

Wow I did not know that plexico gave so much to the community and showed kids how to play football. He is a really good guy and a good wide reciver.

Anonymous said...

This is a great way to show that even though NFL players are rich they still make time out of their busy day to teach kids how to play football.

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Anonymous said...

I like Plaxico, I like him more now that I now he helps out his community.

Anonymous said...

I think its great that famous people can think about people other than themselves it tells me that they actually care about their community's.