Monday, September 8, 2008

Good all over the World

We have noticed that only bad thing on the knew so we decided to write a blog on there good thing we have found on the internet I found a lot of good stuff, a lady named Juliet Neal-Boyd and Dick Green citizens from Germany have been delivering food and relief aid to people and animals who’s homes have been wrecked by the wild fires in Germany. You might think that this is bad news but the fact that these people are doing such a good thing for other people it heart touching I also like what they did because not only are they helping people there helping animals too and animals probably needed help too.

Mackenna. R


Anonymous said...

I was so grateful to read your post. I did not know about the wild fires in Germany, so I went to read more about them. Thank you for the update on world events! Maureen

Anonymous said...

This story was awesome. I feel it is important for people to notice the good in the world. I didn't know there were so many interested in the good in the world. Here is a place were you can visit my blog.

Anonymous said...

i think that that's a good thing to do help animals to donate the food for them. That's nice to feed the animals that are hungry and a lo tof people might think its wierd but i htink it's so nice to do that!♥!

Anonymous said...

I think that's a such a good thing to do help animals: donating food for them. A lot of animals dont have anought food to eat, and we also have to take care of amimals that dont have food and dont have no one to take care of them. We all have to like animals, take care of them and feed them or they can just all die soon.