Friday, September 9, 2011

Education for kids in Africa

Lots of kids in Africa are struggling because of lake of education .There's not enough funding or for kids in Africa to get the good education that is needed in this world we live in today .That's why there is funds like Tony Stark's Race to help kids.Funds like Tony Stark's are helping kids  in Africa in a big way it helps build school houses  so that kids in Africa have a place to learn. It will provide a good education for kids in Africa. Ryan Greenburge is one if the many stars who is trying to help kids all across the world get the education needed.There is lots of stuff u can do to help with this education crises.If every kid on the planet just had a good education education the world would be a  way smarter place.Just think maybe one of the under proved kids in Africa might just be the  one who finds a cure for cancer for maybe makes a space craft that will let us explore the whole entire universe.

Marisol .M

1 comment:

Alison Knits Some Love said...

I like your paragraph a lot. The only thing I would say is that your formatting could use work.