- Tripoli,Libya,all the animals are dying cause there is no enough food for the animals in the zoo.The big problem is the big cats,they are not g
- (ZOO ANIMAL NEWS) LIBYA — Soon after the Tripoli zoo was abandoned in late August, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) went to Libya to begin relief efforts. Their efforts were aided by the $6,000 donation from Global Animal Foundation. According to IFAW Communications Officer Mike Booth, “Since IFAW and other groups intervened, the relief efforts have guaranteed that the animals received the care, food, and water they needed for the past two months.”A team of animal-welfare experts from Austria's Four Paws International gently rolls the tiger over and Dr. Amir Khalil, dripping sweat, searches for a vein, then puts in an IV drip to give the animal vitaminsAsked why the tiger is so sick, the veterinarian replies, "Honestly, we don't know but I believe he's old, 21 years. That's number one. Number two, it was a lot of stress in the surroundings here."
During the struggle for Tripoli, gunfire raged just outside the zoo. When the fighting was at its height some Libyans packed up their cars and fled. The animals at the Tripoli Zoo didn't have that option. The deafening sounds of shooting, the acrid smell of battle -- there was no respite for these sensitive creatures
you did a really good job
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