Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hunger Crisis

    All around the world, people are suffering from lack of food in their town or home. Our population is growing and that is causing the amount of food to drop drastically. Many groups and projects are trying to solve this problem one step at a time. These groups and projects are:The #AfricaNeedsYou project, The Empty Bowl project, Oxame, Feed the Children, Canstruction project, and The World Food Programme. To help this serious crisis, you could donate canned food or even your labor to help children,adults, and elders around the world. Or, if you wanted to help, projects like the Canstruction project, are holding contests to evoke people into donating food. Basically people build sculptures made out of canned food and donate it to people in need. Others are raising money and taking in donations. One step at a time, we could end world hunger. I bet a few of us have canned food that we don't even like or use in the back of our fridge or pantries, people could use those to thrive and live.
                                                                                           -Sophia K.


Alison Knits Some Love said...

Nice job Sophia! I liked your formatting! :)

Alison Knits Some Love said...

I agree you did a good job on formatting

Alison Knits Some Love said...

Nice job sophia you did a really good job yours was really good i think nothing needs to be improved you hit the spot :).

Cara said...

Hey Sophie I love everything about your paragraph!!!!!