Thursday, December 8, 2011

Starving In Somalia Has Become A HUGE Problem

Starving In Somalia BY Sakara M.

Starving in Somalia has become a major problem.  
            Somalia is located in East Africa, Somalians are starving because of lack of food and water caused by the devastating drought. On July 30,2011 the drought had just begun and the people started fight for the resources they need.  By August 1, 2011 they started to build relief centers all over the region of Somalia and importing food and clean water for the people of Somalia.The drought is causing the chaos all over this region. The Red Cross, The United Nations, The U.N. Humanitarian CO., and Action Against Hunger are all trying to make fundraisers for the Somalians. Ways to help the Somalians is by texting " SURVIVE " to 20222 to donate money to the foundation to get them the help the Somalians to get the food, clean water, and medicine they need. Or you could also text " NOHUNGER " 20222 to donate money for the No Hunger  foundation for kids in need of medicine and food. 



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