Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Free Rice doing good!

Good donations - People donating by learning words or math can help the poor every time people go to free rice. Each click you make you will donate rice or different food to the United Nations.

By celso j.m

www.free rice.com


Anonymous said...

This is a great way to donate money for just knowing words in this game. I am going to play this just so i can donate rice!

Anonymous said...

I’ve played this game before and I absolutely love it! It’s quite addicting and helpful to my academic skill. Also, I am endeared to the fact that it helps people around the world! Donation has never been easier and less carefree. I’m so glad you share the same views with me and are sharing this awesome website with the rest of the world! I’ll do my best to share it with others too! Thanks so much!

By the way, I’m a blogger too! Feel free to visit my site: http://h4victoria94.edublogs.org/