In Wheat Ridge Colorado Scott Doney has been a volunteer firefighter for eight years. Scott is a local scientist who specializes in numerical modeling in the Wheat Ridge area. Scott wanted to do a little more for the community. Scott says he has 400 on average calls a year for his assistance, from fires and car wrecks to cats stuck on roofs. Scott took some 300 hours training his fist year to get certified and 50 later each year on to be able to stay a volunteer fire fighter. Scott’s most memorable moment happened just a few years ago, when he was called to help a woman who was in cardiac arrest and was considered medically dead. With the help of the paramedics they were able to bring her back and she was fine afterward. Now Scott has to cut back a little on his volunteering since he has a wife and son now. I think Scot and other volunteer firefighters like him deserve a pat on the back for all their hard work and help.
Michaela K.
I found all my information at … www.Happynews.com ,
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