As Hurricane Irene's winds roar through Arlington Natoinal Cementary, Tomb Sentinel 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Soldier) gaurds the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier. He walks back & forth without fault. It is August 27th, 2011, & a lone soldier with bravery, courage, & respect guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The U.S. Military & Navy Seals provide these kind of honorable soldiers for the guard. It is a huge duty & only a few are honorable enough to do it. This is one of the most brave & courages things i have ever seen in my life. I hope that we can provide these kind of soldiers as
By: Nathan R.
You can put a picture about what Irene caused.
This is Dustin. Hey your blog is great. You did everything you needed to do. SWEET!!!!
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