Friday, December 9, 2011
Tripoli, Libya's zoo animals are suffering from no food or water. This happened back in August 31, 2011. Ten of the two hundred staff have returned to help the poor starving animals. The International Fund for Animal Welfare gave a 6,000 donation to the Tripoli Zoo. Many animals are dying of hunger and dehydration. By. Emily V.
Hunger Stoped
Many people are starving due to the fact that food is scarce in some places. But fear is not lost, people realize that hunger is an issue and there are people who do step up to the challenge. We have an example of John Hartom who has touched peoples hearts everywhere. This dedicated potter makes bowls for people and families who suffer of hunger. He also cooks food for all these people. There are other organizations helping, for example Oxfam and Feed the Children. Show you care and help these organizations with its task at hand. By Ismael R
War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water
War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water
It happened in Tripoli, Lybia. Nic Robertson and the zoo keepers were involved. The Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food and water. It is current in the end of 2011. Its happening because because of the war, the animals have been forgotten about. I think that people should start helping the animals by caring for them. The Global Animal Foundations is helping the animals, they are providing the animals with a small amount of food and water.
Somalia Crisis by: Christianernandez

Right now there's a civil war in Somalia and there is a famine at the same time. Right now the peace keepers have said they are winning and have scored another critical victory, a bomb shelter. The peace keepers have also said that they are not just fighting Somalis but some alternate soldiers.
many people have died even one women was captured by 15 enemies and said that they and took turns raping her. Many organizations are helping
the most known are CARE and UNICEF.
Tripol zoo animals suffering by sarah gray
Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water
By sarah gray
In the tripoli zoo animals have no water just because a war is going on.
Although the whole entire staff was trying to help the staff couldn't do much. All of the animals do not have food and water and are skinny enough to see their bones.
The hippos do not have any clean water and ae suffering because they aren't able to swim. My personal opinion is that people can maybe donate water and get some vets for the animals to make sure they are not really sick.
The places that were nice t help were IFAW, World Vets, and WSPA. They are donating money and they are giving supplies to help animals.
The links to resources .
By sarah gray
In the tripoli zoo animals have no water just because a war is going on.
Although the whole entire staff was trying to help the staff couldn't do much. All of the animals do not have food and water and are skinny enough to see their bones.
The hippos do not have any clean water and ae suffering because they aren't able to swim. My personal opinion is that people can maybe donate water and get some vets for the animals to make sure they are not really sick.
The places that were nice t help were IFAW, World Vets, and WSPA. They are donating money and they are giving supplies to help animals.
The links to resources .
Triploli Zoo suffers
Tripoli Zoo Suffers
By:Tobin S.
The Tripoli zoo don't have enough food or water. The only people that are helping is the charities and the zoos staff, are giving food, water, and care.The lions don't have enough meat, the hippos don't have enough water. The animals are dying. This is happening now, because Libya has bombers all over the place, and no one wants to ship supply's to the zoo, from the government. These animals are dying and people are trying to help. Please try to donate.
Hunger is a problem
By Aspen J.
There is hunger all over the world! People around the world are not getting fed. Also people are not getting enough nutrition. It is happening because you can't get a job , the economy goes down or you get fired, and you have no money for food. In Africa there are to many people for the amount of food that they can produce. Some people have formed groups to help the hungry such as; OWEE, Empty boles, Africa Needs You Foundation, Free rice, Oxfam, and ect. They donate food to the poor or to the hungry. HUNGRY KIDS
How can we do anything to help the people in the hunger that are starving because they cant help any piece of food. This is happening all over the world even in america were people get plenty of food and it is shocking thing that is going on. Even now it has gone to other states and started people starving even now people are jut hoping that they can get a piece of bread or a cracker. If only the people would let them get a job maybe they could get some food for there family. The only organizations that is helping me get ths information is the CNN organization. Ross.B
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tripoli Zoo Crisis
"War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water"
Tripoli, Libya.
Libya zookeepers, CNN are helping solve the problem. Animals in a zoo are suffering from lack of food and water. It's currently happening. Lack of money in Libya is harming the zoos. Food drives and donations could raise money and awareness. CNN is helping solve this problem. They are donating food, water, supplies.
Tripoli, Libya.
Libya zookeepers, CNN are helping solve the problem. Animals in a zoo are suffering from lack of food and water. It's currently happening. Lack of money in Libya is harming the zoos. Food drives and donations could raise money and awareness. CNN is helping solve this problem. They are donating food, water, supplies.
- CNN's Nic Robertson finds the Tripoli Zoo deserted of people
- And he finds animals there languishing without adequate food and water
- The zookeeper says for seven days during Tripoli fighting, the animals got nothing
- Now, 10 of the 200-person staff have returned to care for the animals
Tripoli Zoo
In Tripoli Zoo, in Tripoli, Libya, animals of Tripoli Zoo are lacking food, water, shelter, and attention.
Right now in Tripoli people are volunteering to help the animals. They are donating time, money, water, food, and other things that the animals may need. Sadly, only 10 of the 200 previous zookeepers are there to help. The zoo keepers cannot get to the zoo or are too scared to go because of shooting and bombing damage, and are scared to go.
Right now in Tripoli people are volunteering to help the animals. They are donating time, money, water, food, and other things that the animals may need. Sadly, only 10 of the 200 previous zookeepers are there to help. The zoo keepers cannot get to the zoo or are too scared to go because of shooting and bombing damage, and are scared to go.
Starving In Somalia Has Become A HUGE Problem
Starving In Somalia BY Sakara M.
Starving in Somalia has become a major problem.
Somalia is located in East Africa, Somalians are starving because of lack of food and water caused by the devastating drought. On July 30,2011 the drought had just begun and the people started fight for the resources they need. By August 1, 2011 they started to build relief centers all over the region of Somalia and importing food and clean water for the people of Somalia.The drought is causing the chaos all over this region. The Red Cross, The United Nations, The U.N. Humanitarian CO., and Action Against Hunger are all trying to make fundraisers for the Somalians. Ways to help the Somalians is by texting " SURVIVE " to 20222 to donate money to the foundation to get them the help the Somalians to get the food, clean water, and medicine they need. Or you could also text " NOHUNGER " 20222 to donate money for the No Hunger foundation for kids in need of medicine and food.
zoo helping
This name of this disaster is Tripoli zoo animals surfing because the zoo keeper was at war . International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) went to Libya to begin relief efforts. Their efforts were aided by the $6,000 donation from Global Animal Foundation. They gave more food water and care for the animals. It happen in Libya.
by Geo A.
by Geo A.
World Hunger
WORLD HUNGER takes place all over the world. Many of the people that are part of this are the people that struggle with money for food. Numerous people in almost every country struggle to survive from hunger. Something that is weird about it is that the world produces enough food to feed the population.The Empty Bowls Project, the brainchild of artists John Hartom and Lisa Blackburn, uses ceramic arts to fight hunger. The organizations that are helping support these people are the Oxfam and the Feed the Children program. These people are trying to fight hunger of people and families in the world.
Rescue the Animals
War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water. The zoo keepers are involved in this because they were getting bombed and the owner didn't want to be close so they don't get hurt.This is happening because they were bombing the zoo so they would get away but they couldn't so now the animals are dying. The animals don't have any food or water to eat and drink. The animals that need water to swim in are dying.We can give more money for the zoo keeper to buy the things that are necessary. Some staff that use to work there came back to help get the stuff that the animals need. Their is no links to resources so you can just look it up in the internet to find out more about the animals and what has been done to help the animals stay alive.This is located in Tripoli,Lybia. This happend in August 2011.
By: Blanca P
By: Blanca P

Tripoli Zoo
Arielle S
In Tripoli Zoo, in Tripoli, Libya, animals of Tripoli Zoo are lacking food, water, shelter, and attention.
Right now in Tripoli people are volunteering to help the animals. They are donating time, money, water, food, and other things that the animals may need.
Sadly, only 10 of the 200 previous zookeepers are there to help. The zoo keepers cannot get to the zoo or are too scared to go because of shooting and bombing damage, and are scared to go.
In Tripoli Zoo, in Tripoli, Libya, animals of Tripoli Zoo are lacking food, water, shelter, and attention.
Right now in Tripoli people are volunteering to help the animals. They are donating time, money, water, food, and other things that the animals may need.

Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water
Due to recent conflict in Tripoli,Libya animals are not being
fed of watered at a zoo. When CNN reporter Nic Robertson
went to the zoo the gates were locked. The animals did
not get fed or watered for 7 days. The Global Animal Foundation
sent a 6,000 dollar donation to the zoo to pay for food,water,
and medical care.

Andelecia H.
War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water
It happened in Tripoli, Lybia. Nic Robertson and the zoo keepers were involved. The Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food and water. It is current in the end of 2011. Its happening because because of the war, the animals have been forgotten about. I think that people should start helping the animals by caring for them. The Global Animal Foundations is helping the animals, they are providing the animals with a small amount of food and water.
Saving The Animals At Tripoli Zoo
By Jorge E.
Tripoli, Libya At the Tripoli Zoo there are are alot of animals in starvation. Nic Roberston reported that only 10 zoo keepers come here everyday when there's really suppost to be 200 workers there. CNN reports that most of the animals are extremely skinny and don't have water or food. One zoo keepers said that the animals haven't had food or water in 7 days. The cause of this is the battle going outside of the zoo. There are organizations helping these animals like The Global Animal Foundation giving them food and water. I say to solve this problem the animals should be transported to a near by zoo and wait until the war is done and later be transported back. For more info visit
Wars forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer
It is happening in Tripoli, Lybia. Nic Robertson and zoo keepers are involved. Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water. It is current in the end of 2011. It is happening because of the war, the animals have been forgotten about. People should start helping the animals and other zoos should start donating food. The Global Animal Foundations are helping. Providing the animals with food and water, but not enough to keep them healthy.
Famine In East Africa
In East Africa people are trying to survive of starvation. These has become a huge issue that the president Borock Obama of the united states has gotten involved and so has Hillary Clinton and the secretaries of the U.N. The problem is people are living in famine in East Africa and suffering is going to spread due to poor harvests and infectious disease outbreaks. The famine started a Wednesday 2011, so its current. The cause of this super huge famine, is because rich governments are guilty of willful neglect. As the aid effort to avert catastrophe and East Africa limps $800million shortfall. As many donors are helping we can donate food and maybe go help out in Africa and help feed people. Together we can make a difference and help out just like the organizations helping. Which are ox fams and U.N. children’s fund. The organizations are taking food to them and giving them care.The link you can go to help is
By: Annya p.
In East Africa people are trying to survive of starvation. These has become a huge issue that the president Borock Obama of the united states has gotten involved and so has Hillary Clinton and the secretaries of the U.N. The problem is people are living in famine in East Africa and suffering is going to spread due to poor harvests and infectious disease outbreaks. The famine started a Wednesday 2011, so its current. The cause of this super huge famine, is because rich governments are guilty of willful neglect. As the aid effort to avert catastrophe and East Africa limps $800million shortfall. As many donors are helping we can donate food and maybe go help out in Africa and help feed people. Together we can make a difference and help out just like the organizations helping. Which are ox fams and U.N. children’s fund. The organizations are taking food to them and giving them care.The link you can go to help is
By: Annya p.
Zoo animals have a problem with food and water.
Tripoli,Libya,all the animals are dying cause there is no enough food for the animals in the zoo.The big problem is the big cats,they are not getting enough food.The main problem is the water.Every living animal are going to die without drinking water.The zookeeper is trying to put water inside the hippos habbitat with some large tubes,but, it didn't go as well.The hippos won't go in.The zookeeper said that the animals got nothing for 7 days.These sensitive animals are suffering for a huge problem in the zoo.
Tripoli zoo By: Tucker H.
Zoo animals are suffering in Tripoli there lacking food and water because of the war in Tripoli the zookeepers couldn't get in to feed them . The people and animals of Tripoli are involved. But so are organizations like IFAW and Four paws international who now feed and give water to the animals. So they can survive long healthy lives. Animal-rescue experts help Tripoli Zoo - CNN for more info.
Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food,and water!
Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food,and water!
Animals are suffering from a known as a renovated zoo the zoo keeper says he doesn’t have enough stocked to feed all the animals and not enough water to provide the hippos he says the big cats and meat eaters are the hardest to keep fed.This fail at feeding these animals is a very current event but there are many organizations helping provide the animals what they need to remain fed and healthy.This incident is happening because the zoo keeper does not have enough money to stock more food and he does not have enough food stocked to keep all animals fed. Organizations are helping provide food and water to this zoo in Tripoli. Also the zoo keeper is going to provide some money to the zoo to help provide as much as he can.The Global animal Foundation is one of the organizations that are helping with this tragic incident in Tripoli they are providing food and water for these animals.
Help animals
- Tripoli,Libya,all the animals are dying cause there is no enough food for the animals in the zoo.The big problem is the big cats,they are not g
- (ZOO ANIMAL NEWS) LIBYA — Soon after the Tripoli zoo was abandoned in late August, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) went to Libya to begin relief efforts. Their efforts were aided by the $6,000 donation from Global Animal Foundation. According to IFAW Communications Officer Mike Booth, “Since IFAW and other groups intervened, the relief efforts have guaranteed that the animals received the care, food, and water they needed for the past two months.”A team of animal-welfare experts from Austria's Four Paws International gently rolls the tiger over and Dr. Amir Khalil, dripping sweat, searches for a vein, then puts in an IV drip to give the animal vitaminsAsked why the tiger is so sick, the veterinarian replies, "Honestly, we don't know but I believe he's old, 21 years. That's number one. Number two, it was a lot of stress in the surroundings here."
During the struggle for Tripoli, gunfire raged just outside the zoo. When the fighting was at its height some Libyans packed up their cars and fled. The animals at the Tripoli Zoo didn't have that option. The deafening sounds of shooting, the acrid smell of battle -- there was no respite for these sensitive creatures
Celebrities Making An Impact
In Haiti, Guatemala, America, and other places in the world, celebrities are trying to help hunger. Hunger spread in the year 2011 because of the lack of resources. What can be done now is that we can try to help stop hunger by donating food. There are about 200 food banks that are helping stop this conflict.Celebrities are volunteering in food banks, and they try to make sure that they have enough resources to help the people who can't afford to buy their own food or because they don't have resources. Other people can help stop hunger by helping out in food activities like raising funds or helping out in a can food drive.
starving animals in Libya
This is a sad day in Libya when the tigers are not being fed. The zoo helpers have said that the zoo is closed when CNN reporter hears roars from a tiger off in the distance.The tigers have not been fed because there is gunfire off in the distance while the zoo keepers are fighting there way in. As the CNN reporter sees the animals he finds dead tortoises. These poor helpless animal need your help because four paws and “IFAW” are providing water and food for these helpless animals. All of these animals cannot eat because of the war not letting the zoo help get through.
Joseph M.
Joseph M.
In Salt lake city Denis surtoe started a foundation, its called "Every Body Eats" and this one is different. Denis surtoe tells her costumers pay what you can. Those how are less fortunate come to her restaurants and get food and they pay what they can. She started this organization to help make sure every one gets feed. The five places she has around the country are all unique way of geting it out there and the more rich people come and give a little extra to pay for others meals. Denis,es dream was born when world hunger come and ding dong,ed her and now its reality so what will you do to help stop world hunger.........hunter out
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Help the people of the Earthquake
During the 5.7 magnitude earthquake in Eastern Turkey. 500 dead and 231 in attentive care. Probably more lost under junk or anything. In need of food and water and more resources . Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) are bringing stuff for you to survive and to keep going on in life medical stuff rescue missions, sanitary people for clean up. Probably will need more doctors and or nurses for the injured or sick medical stuff. Be aware of any more plates that might be moving or aftershock earthquakes. Be aware lots of people are injured sick or crazy. Please the people of Turkey cant do anything. Also donate on the website of CNN for linked resources.
Ryan P
Preventing World Hunger
World hunger is a very real problem in many countries around the world. It is happening now even though the world produces enough food to feed every human being. People, especially children go hungry when they or their family can't make enough money to buy food for their family. People and organizations around the world are trying to help these poor people by getting them food. An organization called The Empty Bowls Project holds events where pottery is donated by local artists and the visitors get the bowl their food was served in as a way to get people to be aware of world hunger. Other organizations that help are food banks that take in food and distribute it to the hungry people. Anything we can do to help, like donating canned food and offering our labor, will be appreciated by all the people who suffer.
-Cara L
tripoli's animals need help.
In Tripoli, Libya, animals that have to survive in a closed zoo, they had no food and the zoo closed do to the war. This happend in an animals zoo in tripoli are, this happend August 31, 2011
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) went to Libya to begin relief efforts of food water and medical care, Their efforts were aided by the $6,000 donation from Global Animal Foundation.
Save the Animals at Tripoli Zoo
During the war in Tripoli, a zoo was left alone, the animals were left to survive on their own. The animals were left for 7 days with no food and hardly any water. When a zookeeper returned it was almost to late for many of the zoo animals. Soon 10 of the 200 person staff returned during the war to help the animals. A group of experts from the Austria Four Paws International Zoos came to help the animals. By the time they came it was already to late for one of the tigers. Due to the war the animals only got half of the food they needed and hardly got any water because of the hot weather.
After a few weeks of suffering the animals got many people to send funds for food and medicine:
If more people can send funds and volunteer to help we can restore the zoo and make it like it was before. Do you want these animals to suffer anymore?
By: Clara Y
After a few weeks of suffering the animals got many people to send funds for food and medicine:
- The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)
- the American Zoo Association
- the North Carolina Zoo
- the International Fund for Animal Welfare
- the Humane Society International
If more people can send funds and volunteer to help we can restore the zoo and make it like it was before. Do you want these animals to suffer anymore?
By: Clara Y
the zoo epidemic
Animals are dying because of the Tripoli zoo was neglecting its animals due to the war. All of the animals are having to wait to have any food at all they are also not getting any clean water. Some of the animals are already starting to die from starvation. There are some organizations like IFAW and National Animal Association the associations are sending money but we don't know if its enough to feed them all. But at least it's a start for them and the animals are probably happier then they ever been. By Ryan k
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