Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital is the place I am going to choose to blog about, the reason I am blogging about this is because, they do, in my opinion, the best out of everything I looked at. A few things they do is help injured animals, they are the one of the leading animal hospitals in the Jefferson county district. Another thing I thought was really good for them to do is they take in abused and homeless animals and adopt them out. The animal hospital doesn’t believe putting animals down, that can’t be adopted out, if they have no luck they will take it to a dog ranch and let them live the rest of the dogs life there. They also do this with cats, birds, reptiles, etc. They go by the motto of “an animal life is as perishes as a human life…” So This is why I think the animal hospital is the best thing I researched out of everything.
"Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital"
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I thought was really good for them to do is they take in abused and homeless animals and adopt them out.
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