The one on my Powerpoint favorites was the AMW or Americans Most Wanted John Walsh because he has caught a total 1029 fugitives in the world but many are still out there. I liked this one cause it was the one with most detail. As a John Walsh continues on capturing jail breaks And fugitives He will be work until there is justices through out the world and if a could person could get always from John Walsh that would be lucky .
By Erik R.
This information came From
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Good Thing in Wheat Ridge
A Good Thing in Wheat Ridge
By Dallas A.
Commerce City is going to host the annual charity kickball game. It will be in Dicks sporting goods in Wheat Ridge. Every team of 15 can enter for a fee of $300. All money made will go to the wake a wish Foundation. The event will go from 8am to 7 pm.
By Dallas A.
Commerce City is going to host the annual charity kickball game. It will be in Dicks sporting goods in Wheat Ridge. Every team of 15 can enter for a fee of $300. All money made will go to the wake a wish Foundation. The event will go from 8am to 7 pm.
Making wishes...
By Alexandrea N.
My favorite organization is Make A Wish Foundation. They grant wishes for people with life treatening medical conditions. They have been granting wishes since 1980. The first wish they ever granted was to Christopher James Greicius whose wish was to be a police officer. The family had a friend who was a police officer so, he granted the wish. The police officers’ name was Tommy Austin. So on April 29th 1980 the wish was granted. Christopher got to ride in a police helicopter, which also flew him to headquarters. There three cruisers and a motorcycle greeted him before meeting with the DPS command staff. There, Chris was sworn in as the first honorary DPS patrolman in state history. The giving didn’t stop there they mad him a custom uniform and the seamstress worked through the night to finish it. On May 1st they gave it to him and had motorcycles proficiency test so he could earn wings for his uniform. Chris did an outstanding job and passed with his battery-operated motorcycle. May 2nd Chris was taken back to the hospital and re-did his room so he could see his uniform helmet, and “Smokey-Bear” –style campaign hat. DPS motor officer Frank Shankwitz presented him with Chris’ wings and he took them with a smile, which lit up the room. Sadly the following day Christopher James Grecius passed away, but gladly before his wish came true. They get their money from people donating to the
My favorite organization is Make A Wish Foundation. They grant wishes for people with life treatening medical conditions. They have been granting wishes since 1980. The first wish they ever granted was to Christopher James Greicius whose wish was to be a police officer. The family had a friend who was a police officer so, he granted the wish. The police officers’ name was Tommy Austin. So on April 29th 1980 the wish was granted. Christopher got to ride in a police helicopter, which also flew him to headquarters. There three cruisers and a motorcycle greeted him before meeting with the DPS command staff. There, Chris was sworn in as the first honorary DPS patrolman in state history. The giving didn’t stop there they mad him a custom uniform and the seamstress worked through the night to finish it. On May 1st they gave it to him and had motorcycles proficiency test so he could earn wings for his uniform. Chris did an outstanding job and passed with his battery-operated motorcycle. May 2nd Chris was taken back to the hospital and re-did his room so he could see his uniform helmet, and “Smokey-Bear” –style campaign hat. DPS motor officer Frank Shankwitz presented him with Chris’ wings and he took them with a smile, which lit up the room. Sadly the following day Christopher James Grecius passed away, but gladly before his wish came true. They get their money from people donating to the
Make A Wish
Make a wish foundation is a charity for kids with life threatening diseases. They grant about 167,816 wishes. A wish is granted about every 40 seconds. The children either wish to meet, to have, to go, or to be. One of the latest stories is of five children with a medical condition got to meet their ESPN stars.
Nicole W
Make a wish foundation is a charity for kids with life threatening diseases. They grant about 167,816 wishes. A wish is granted about every 40 seconds. The children either wish to meet, to have, to go, or to be. One of the latest stories is of five children with a medical condition got to meet their ESPN stars.
Nicole W
Make a wish foundation
Since 1980 the make a wish foundation has made the lives of thousands of children a whole lot better. The first wish was on April 29th 1980. The kids name was Chris Greicius he was getting treated for leukemia all he wanted to do was be a police officer. Officer Tommy Austin had become friends with Chris and his mom. Chris’s progress dropped, so officer Tommy scheduled a day with the officers for Chris. They stared out taking a tour of the city in a department helicopter. Chris had a great time but his fun didn’t stop there he also got a tailored uniform. On May 2nd Chris had his room in the hospital arranged so everywhere he looked he saw his officer gear. The next day Chris passed away. Kids wishes vary from being a princess to meeting the famous Carlos Santana, Donald Trump and Jennifer Garner. All their wishes came true.
Jordon Salbato
Jordon Salbato
Wishes filled
Make A Wish
Wheat Ridge Colorado United States
The Make a Wish Foundation gives kids that are sick a chance to make a wish like meet a celebrity and thy will make the kids wish come true. I think that this is a good program because it gives sick kids some hope and can make them very happy. Many kids wishes have come true and I’m sure the celebrities fell really good about that too. It makes kids happy and that’s what counts. That’s how the Make A Wish Foundation helps kids, and that’s why it’s a good program. And that is only one of the good things in the world .The website for the Make A Wish foundation is
By, Olivia G.
Wheat Ridge Colorado United States
The Make a Wish Foundation gives kids that are sick a chance to make a wish like meet a celebrity and thy will make the kids wish come true. I think that this is a good program because it gives sick kids some hope and can make them very happy. Many kids wishes have come true and I’m sure the celebrities fell really good about that too. It makes kids happy and that’s what counts. That’s how the Make A Wish Foundation helps kids, and that’s why it’s a good program. And that is only one of the good things in the world .The website for the Make A Wish foundation is
By, Olivia G.
Looking for the good
Looking for the good
In my searches for good I found an organization called S.O.S children villages. They help children and provide help for the village families. They donate school supplies, food and other necessities they might need .you can donate your time or something as simple as putting a footer on your e-mail address. This is a worldwide organization. It is so awesome how they help and all their donations and money go to the people and give them help with what they need. You can also adopt children that have no parents. There are thousands of children that could use a home and a family that loves them. They help children until the children can provide for themselves. This organization really made an impression on me.
Kalaja O.
In my searches for good I found an organization called S.O.S children villages. They help children and provide help for the village families. They donate school supplies, food and other necessities they might need .you can donate your time or something as simple as putting a footer on your e-mail address. This is a worldwide organization. It is so awesome how they help and all their donations and money go to the people and give them help with what they need. You can also adopt children that have no parents. There are thousands of children that could use a home and a family that loves them. They help children until the children can provide for themselves. This organization really made an impression on me.
Kalaja O.
Looking for the
One of the articles I read about was about a mail woman who was delivering mail when a kid dropped into her arms. In Albany, New York a mail woman was walking on the sidewalk getting ready to deliver a letter to a house. But while she was walking a one year old girl fell out of a second story apartment building. While the mail lady was walking by the one year old girl fell out of the window and into the mail women’s arms. Later in the day the paramedics checked the baby and there were no injuries and the mother was filed with no charges because she stated she put her baby on the bed and left the window the bed was against open.
Lexus W.
One of the articles I read about was about a mail woman who was delivering mail when a kid dropped into her arms. In Albany, New York a mail woman was walking on the sidewalk getting ready to deliver a letter to a house. But while she was walking a one year old girl fell out of a second story apartment building. While the mail lady was walking by the one year old girl fell out of the window and into the mail women’s arms. Later in the day the paramedics checked the baby and there were no injuries and the mother was filed with no charges because she stated she put her baby on the bed and left the window the bed was against open.
Lexus W.
The reason why people don’t do good to help others and the world in unknown. But the reason people do good things is out of the kindness of their hearts. When you hear on the news its all about the bad things going on, but you never hear about the good. I would like to change that by telling you about the good, not the bad. There are many things you can do to change the world and others positively. There is an organization called the Samaritans Purse and they give gifts and sanitation products to children in other countries. You can help children around the world by buying gifts for their age group and hand towels, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Send it in a wrapped box and bring it to the Samaritans Purse. They will then take the presents to other countries and give them to the children around Christmas time. If everyone does at least one good deed we could change the world one little step at a time.
Lauren S.
Lauren S.
Rescuing the living
I have been researching about the good in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and good around the USA. Today, I will tell you about the good in Wheat Ridge and saving the animals in Wheat Ridge. First of all, people have been saving animals from a hurricane called Hurricane Katrina. Many animals were sick by the time the people have saved these animals, but it feared me by the time I have herd that at least four kittens were terribly sick by the time they got to Wheat Ridge. I was scared that these kittens would not make it to Wheat Ridge and would eventually die. At last after the kittens were healed, they were given away to their adoptable homes, also knowing that none of the kittens have died.
The next thing I have also researched is that people that have abused animals which has broken my heart to hear that these animals are hurt and that they need someone new to take care of them. Knowing that I have researched about saving animals that have been abused from there careless owners. I have known a woman from Kansas City, Missouri who has saved many animals, knowing that she has saved five dogs and lots of cats, which the animals have been taken away from their careless and cruel owners. I have a destiny just like her to help all the animals in Wheat Ridge and all the other cities in Colorado. That is the dream I am following and the path I walk to. The animals are waiting now to find someone special to save them and to care for them as long as they live.
There was also something I have herd that surprised me more then
ever and that was hen the Humane Society Rescue Organization have dedicated animal shelter volunteers! This made me very happy to hear how much animals will be saved, and without them, the animals would die each year. This made me want to be a part of them to save animals each year. I would just love to go around constantly looking for all the dogs and the cats to rescue and to give it food, water, care, shelter, and the most important thing, love. That is what destiny I am taking and he path I will follow because animals need love and protection too.
Helpful sites.
Thank you!! ☺
By Abbey C. Schaeffer
The next thing I have also researched is that people that have abused animals which has broken my heart to hear that these animals are hurt and that they need someone new to take care of them. Knowing that I have researched about saving animals that have been abused from there careless owners. I have known a woman from Kansas City, Missouri who has saved many animals, knowing that she has saved five dogs and lots of cats, which the animals have been taken away from their careless and cruel owners. I have a destiny just like her to help all the animals in Wheat Ridge and all the other cities in Colorado. That is the dream I am following and the path I walk to. The animals are waiting now to find someone special to save them and to care for them as long as they live.
There was also something I have herd that surprised me more then
ever and that was hen the Humane Society Rescue Organization have dedicated animal shelter volunteers! This made me very happy to hear how much animals will be saved, and without them, the animals would die each year. This made me want to be a part of them to save animals each year. I would just love to go around constantly looking for all the dogs and the cats to rescue and to give it food, water, care, shelter, and the most important thing, love. That is what destiny I am taking and he path I will follow because animals need love and protection too.
Helpful sites.
Thank you!! ☺
By Abbey C. Schaeffer
Group Goes around USA and does good deeds

This group has been going around the US helping people and trying to teach people to help out as well. The trip has made them low in money and it is hard to go places but they are still fighting for what’s right. They are with a homeless blind man who has to play the guitar for money. Four of the members agree to play the guitar and raise 20 dollars each. This is going to be hard but they still want to do it. When they started the blind man dropped his quarters and tried to pick them up. The girl in the group was going to but a man in the crowd of people helped him out. That’s when they thought they really were making a difference. This paragraph is by
Austin W.
Good in the U.S
Start donating money to animal shelters and abandoned animal charities. The number of abandoned animals is enormous and it needs to stop. Why do all these animals have to suffer .All those puppies and kittens abandoned on the streets .Please help all those helpless animals left to fend for themselves .Animal Avengers is a animal charity to help all those in animals in Colorado and all over the United States .We need to help these abandoned animals .Just think how many cats and dogs there are in the U.S that are left on the streets to die .So please start donating money to save all those abandoned animals out there.
By Josh T.
By Josh T.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Recycle My Cell Phone

Recycle My Cell Phone
Cellular Phone Recycle & Reuse is a company that recycles cell phones. The company recycles cell phones so that toxic metals and other objects don’t end up in our landfills. Some of the elements they are trying to keep out of our landfills are lead and mercury. The company is from Denver Colorado
Chris G.
Wishes come true

Wishes come true
Wheat ridge Colorado United States of America
Chyenn Y
The make a wish foundation is about kids making a wish and people helping them come true. That is a good thing for kids who need help. Meany people need some help so others help out that is good for them. Make a wish foundation is mostly about making the world a better place.
Taking the Heat

In Wheat Ridge Colorado Scott Doney has been a volunteer firefighter for eight years. Scott is a local scientist who specializes in numerical modeling in the Wheat Ridge area. Scott wanted to do a little more for the community. Scott says he has 400 on average calls a year for his assistance, from fires and car wrecks to cats stuck on roofs. Scott took some 300 hours training his fist year to get certified and 50 later each year on to be able to stay a volunteer fire fighter. Scott’s most memorable moment happened just a few years ago, when he was called to help a woman who was in cardiac arrest and was considered medically dead. With the help of the paramedics they were able to bring her back and she was fine afterward. Now Scott has to cut back a little on his volunteering since he has a wife and son now. I think Scot and other volunteer firefighters like him deserve a pat on the back for all their hard work and help.
Michaela K.
I found all my information at … ,
Labrador Saves Boy 9

Labrador Saves 9 Yr. Old Boy
By Elleanna H.
After hurricane Katrina Ryan Rambo, 9, moves with his family to Western Colorado and fell into the Roaring Colorado river. Chelsea Bennett 13, owner of a Labrador, Zion, Says” Zion jumped into the river and swam to Ryan after he began screaming for help.” He only suffered a scratch. “How ironic, isn’t it, we come here to get away from flood waters, and he nearly drowns in the river,” Says his mother Deana Rambo.,-9,-from-colorado-river.htm
Free Rice doing good!

Good donations - People donating by learning words or math can help the poor every time people go to free rice. Each click you make you will donate rice or different food to the United Nations.
By celso j.m
Good in the World!!!

Good in the World!!!
Sheriff Mark Curran chose to be put behind bars for a week .The reason for his actions is to learn more about the people in the cells and how to improve safety issues. Also, Mark wants to understand the thoughts and feelings about the inmates. Sheriff Curran lives in and took action in Waukegan, Illinois.
Miranda G.

Charity Using Backpacks to spread
Freedom of education
Jana Dombrowski was wondering about her friend stationed in Iraq. She always wanted to make a difference. So she decided to help kids in Iraq who had very little money get an education. She did that by providing backpacks and other school supplies such as pencils crayons and other supplies they might need. I think this is a wonderful thing she has done if I could I would do the same.
Lab rescue foundation
Safe Harbor Lab Rescue
A Good Samaritan miraculously saved Myha an Eight-week-old lab just before she was about to be stuffed in a burlap bag and tossed into a lake.
This is a local incident.
Alex Moore
This Organization helps labs that have been poorly taken care of and have been abused over the years. They plan to stop this madness. Mhya was a very lucky dog she made it through the abuse of her owner and she is fighting for life. The doctors say in order for her to live they must surgically remove her eyes.
A Good Samaritan miraculously saved Myha an Eight-week-old lab just before she was about to be stuffed in a burlap bag and tossed into a lake.
This is a local incident.
Alex Moore
This Organization helps labs that have been poorly taken care of and have been abused over the years. They plan to stop this madness. Mhya was a very lucky dog she made it through the abuse of her owner and she is fighting for life. The doctors say in order for her to live they must surgically remove her eyes.

Don Pearson, “Bike Guy” in Colorado donates his time making bicycles. Don Pearson helps the abused and neglected children at Denver’s Mount Saint Vincent home. “Bike Guy” works for an organization called Denver Bicycle Touring Club and he spends many of his days in a week donating his time. Another amazing thing that they do is that they use donated bikes instead of new bikes and I am really proud that many people have donated bikes to this foundation. So I want to thank these people. If you want to see this amazing deed here is the citation
Animal World USA
Animal World USA
The Animal World USA tries to get people to understand all animals of the world. They help any kind of animal that is in need of help. Their organization is a non-profit thing. They dedicate everything to the animals so that they won’t feel lonely.
They are located every in the USA and they find shelters for the animals if they don’t have enough room in there shelters.
Jessica M.
Bill gates vaccination plan

Bill Gates is planning to spend millions of dollars to help vaccinate children in Africa with certain diseases. He plans to spend 750 million to this donation. If the kids are bad enough he will bring them to America for better technology to help them a little bit more. He will travel to Africa and see these kids that are bad enough to go to America and he will fly with them.
Bill Gates Donates

Bill Gates donated 250 million dollars to help fight malaria. The money is going to help pay for vaccines. The money went to Africa where most people with malaria live. This is the second time Bill Gates has donated for this cause. Bill is just helping one small part of the world’s sicknesses. My information came from
Austin F.
Free Rice

Free Rice
Free Rice donates rice to poor countries in Africa using money from ads on their site. The are the sister site of, who donates water to poor countries. On Free Rice, you can practice vocabulary. Now, however, you can change the questioning to a lot of different things such as multiplication tables, geography, different languages, and even chemistry! Overall, Free Rice is my favorite site in my presentation.
-Lane L.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Flight for Life is doing Good!

Flight for Life is doing Good!
Lakewood, Colorado United States of America

This is a foundation that rushes people in need to the hospital. They most of the time they are dying and can’t be helped or need intensive right away care! This is a place where good is done and helps save children and adults lives. It also is in the process of showing that there is good in this earth!
Written by Ashlee D.
The website you can go to and see this wonderful deed is
flight for life,
saving lives
Wilderness on wheels

Wilderness on wheels
A service that makes all mountain environments accessible to all. W.O.W is in Wheat Ridge, Colorado in the USA. It is a non-profit charity. They have created an 8-foot wide boardwalk that goes over the rocky mountain trout stream. They also allow disabled and senior citizens to fish off the boardwalk. At an elevation of 9,000 ft, you can watch the wildlife as well.
Jaime H.
senior citizen
Canine Companions for Independance

Duncan W
Golden retrievers doing good

Golden retrievers doing good
What I think I have found what I think is really interesting is that dogs can donate blood to Golden retrievers so they can go out and help the blind or the people that can't hear that well.
PO Box 9628 Denver, CO 80209-0628
Bison Cares

Bison Cares
This organization Is working to create a Bison habitat unpopulated by poachers and hunters. This is my favorite business because they are helping bring back a species that needs to be brought back. I would Like to give this program money because in my native culture buffalo or bison play a big part in the original traditional life style. This is why It is my favorite organization
Glen. K
United States help
Rescuing the Coral Reef

Rescuing the Coral Reefs
More than 70% of coral reefs could be wiped out by 2050. The Nature Conservatory will help save under water creatures lives. This is a nation wide foundation. People are donating all over the world, so by 2050 a coral reef will still be in sight in every ocean.
Paige B
American Red Cross

Animal Liberation Front

Animal Liberation Front
This organization is helping around the world to stop animal testing and cruelty. There are millions of animals every day being used for these cruel actions. With the help of these men and women it can be prevented! I think that this is a very good idea what these people are doing to save the animals.
Countrywide organization
Rae M.
Operation Teddy Bear

Operation Teddy Bear
Teddy bears might be a novelty for most, but for some it might be something just out of there reach. The “Operation Teddy Bear” group takes in old stuffed animals and donates them to people in need. Some of these people who qualify are elderly people in senior citizen homes, and young children whose parents don’t have enough money for toys. This organization is completely volunteer and takes in all animals, not just teddy bears. I think this is a great organization because it’s easy to donate to and they can make many people happy.
Caleb G
teddy bears,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Too much bad news
In our world where the “bad” news sells, we seem inundated with the stories of violence, death, fear and reasons to worry. Our class has decided to look at this situation and search for the “good” things people do. We do not want to be subjected to the fear that penetrates our news media. Our class went in search of good people doing good things as a counterbalance the bad news we always hear. We are not afraid, we have found so much good, that our perceptions are changing. Read about what we have found, our reports about all the good around us.
Mrs. Saylor's middle school computer classes 2008-2009
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