Tuesday, March 15, 2011

U.S Makning a Big Decision For Libyans

Chosing whether or not to have the Libyan rebels to be armed is a big decision. Many people are saying they shouldn't because it will hurt the people by doing this. protests have been taking place in Libya all over because of the bad govrment. Gadafi wants to stay in power, so he doesn't want the Libyan rebels armed. The U.S. making the big decision. Many say it will be a bad idea. Many protesting will happen even more because of this decision. Will the U.S. help Libyan's rebels?


By: Nicole O.


Anonymous said...

You Spelled Making Wrong Its Okay Just Make You Watch You Spelling(;

Anonymous said...

Yes, edit your post! Sounds kinda funny. US makning a big decision for libyans! Haha though its a great post!