Friday, March 25, 2011

Japan in help

 On Friday Mach 11th 2011, the island of Japan was hit with a 9.0 earth quake and then caused a massive tsunami.  So many people are helping clean up the mess that the tsunami that caused, and they are scrambling to find all the  missing people, and they are getting themfood and shelter, medics and more. Japan get the power from 5 nuclear power plants and on monday Mach 14,  2011 2 of the nuclear power plant blow up and made more problems for the people of Japan. They can not be with in 100 feet of the power plant. So many men, women and kids are trappedand can not get away ,and to make that even harder Japan is under water. The Red Cross is there helping and so isUNICEF they are helping the kids. For more information vist www.
                                        By,Kelsi Berumen


Alison Knits Some Love said...

I think it was a good idea putting the picture so next time we can be prepare.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if they found the people who were lost in the flood? Im sorry for the families :.(

Alison Knits Some Love said...

I really like your blog. It gives me a glimpse of what happened to Japan. I am sad for the people of Japan. It must take a fortune to fix Japan