Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Witch Craft

   For people who may not watch the news everyday there's some new things going on in the world, and it's happening in Nigeria. Mother's an parents are believing in Witch Craft, this is not a joke especially because kids are getting abused because of it. Kids are being left by them self with no one no food no shelter because parent's are saying there kid is a witch. Parents think there going to be killed by there kids. The Kids shelter is out helping get stranded kids and kids that have been left alone. I think that this is not a good situation kid's are just being left to die by there own parents. The worst part about it is that if the kid is kicked out and returns with out permission he or she may be killed and or stabbed to death, says a man from the shelter. Gathering around two brothers and there sister's as there mom is crying blaming the kids for being the resin there other siblings had died a while back. "I don't wanna be killed as well," she sobbed. Sam lkpe- Tampa talking to the mother and villagers that these children aren't witches but no body believes him.
                                                                            By Nicole O.


Alison Knits Some Love said...

that was such a cool idea to write about.the blog is very interesting!great job

Anonymous said...

WOW! this was very interesting and very sad! they should make this iegal!!! this was a good story

Anonymous said...

Good detail