Monday, March 7, 2011

New Struggles In Haiti

The massive earthquake in Haiti, 2010 that killed approximately 230,000 people, is still causing trouble for the Haitians. One year later, Haitians are still left homeless, getting the disease such as Cholera causing 2,000 people to die of dehydration. What can be done to solve this problem? Organizations like; the Clinton Foundation, Heart to Heart International, Doctors Without Borders, MedShare, J/P HRO, Habitat for Humantiy, and Shelter Box are all helping and asking that other people will also help. They are helping to keep the Haitians healthy, clean, not homeless anymore, and safe. In my opinion, I think that this is a devastating event, and people need help so we should help them. Just simply tweeting and face booking the word around can get people in the know so that they can send money, volunteer and just save people's lives.
By, Danielle G.


Anonymous said...

good job explainig what is going on

Anonymous said...

Good job highlighting!!!