Thursday, February 4, 2010
Darfur. In Darfur lots of things are happening. first thing that is happening is that the janjweed are killing people from Darfur. i think that we should help Darfur by sending them food and shelter. i think that we should help them because they did nothing to deserve the treatment that they are getting. this is why i think that we should help Darfur. Daniel G
I am doing a report on the earthquake in Haiti about all they have gone through and how we can help.The location is Port-au-prince the capital of Haiti this is a very big problem for these people because they don't have good stable houses and are not wealthy people. There are thousands of organizations helping them and they are sending money, food, clothes, and shelter.I think that they are going to rebuild houses and savepeoples lives give children that are abandoned homes. The way i can help is by giving money, fundraisers, and spread the world.
By: Madison B.
By: Madison B.
Helping Haiti
Helping Haiti
The problem is Haiti is slowly getting better. There was a large earthquake that hit a 7.0. Many organizations are helping raising money, Verison, AT&T, T-mobile, etc. The phone companies are doing this thing where you text a number to Haiti and it automatically charges $10 to your account to help Haiti.I can help by spreading the word and get people to txt Haiti.ElysaM
My presentation was on Darfur and the genocide problems that are happening. People in this world don't even know that Darfur exists I am trying to get the message out that they need our help and so our some other people like Brain a guy who went down to Sudan and took picture of the genocide. Men cant go out to get water without being killed and women cant go out with out being raped by the janjweed. I am trying to get my message out in this paragraph and everything else I have done. People should start writing letter to Obama and other government members to address this problem. This genocide has been going ob for 6 years now and no one has stopped. Please help these people they don't have any where else to go.
By:Jessica L
There are earthquakes in a small island called Haiti. The earthquakes has caused lots of damage and death. Almost all of the buildings and houses are destroyed from the earthquake. Many company's like the Red Cross are helping the poor country of Haiti. What we can do to hope is that we can give food, and money to help the poor place. -Connor
Earthquakes have been hitting Haiti. These have caused much damage. Fundraisers all over are helping Haiti. The red cross is sending volunteers to help Haiti. You can give money to fundraisers to help. You can also raise the awareness. I believe everyone should be helping. -by Sam
The day 9/11 occured
My presentation was about 9/11 and why it happened. And also who did it. I choose to pick 9/11 for my presetation because I think we need to know what happened on that very day of Semptember 11th, 2001. Well September 11th, 2001 was a day when hijackers, hijacked 3 planes and died thinking they would go to heaven which is so not true in my opinion. I fell very sad and hope that all the people that died that there families are okay. And my last reason why I choose 9/11 is I wanted to learn about it and see what it was all about.
By: Chris Munoz
By: Chris Munoz
There was a huge earthquake in Haiti and killed thousands of people. They are cold and have no shelter. The US and the Red Cross are helping to get it back to the way it was. We can give donations, guard, and intentional items. By: Dante
Haiti Earthquake
Haiti Earthquake. By Justin M.
Recently, an earthquake of a 7.0 magnitude hit Haiti, Port-au-Prince. The Haiti Earthquake has been a hardship on Port-au-Prince. This has affected Haiti in many ways, it has left 180,000 dead and 200,000 estimated deaths total. As well as leaving 1.2 million people homeless. There is hope for this Country, as over three hundred million dollars via text message has been donated to Haiti, this is via Text Message and Cash Donations. Many charities are tending to this cause. You can always donate by sending a text message:
Send "Haiti" to "90999"
This country has been through very much with very little, they need the help
Haiti needs our help!!!!
Haiti is begging for our help, Just like Darfur has been. We all know that it is hard to help many nations at a time, but we can still put the effort into it. We have rounded up over one-thousand dollars at the least, but really? We can do better!!!! After the earthquake hit, Haiti has been relying on us to help bring their community back to life. I have to admit, we have proved ourselves to be in some helpfulness, and I say this over and over, but WE CAN GIVE MORE!! People don't deserve to be turned down just because they are poor, or something of that nature.

By: Makayla A.

By: Makayla A.
.07 Earthquake in Haiti
On January 12,2010 a horrifying tragic thing happened in the little state of Haiti. A .07 earthquake happened with a a warning. People all over the world have helped this terrific disaster. Red Cross, Save the Childern and Word Water Releif are just three of the many organizations helping. These organizations are sending food, medicel help to Haiti. I could in fact help by just doing one simple thing text and donate $10 to the Haiti releif program. You could also help by just donating money to the organization.
By Kylie H.

by;Chris G
In February 2003 the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and Justice and Equality Movement in Darfur took up arms, accusing the government of oppressing black Africans in favor of Arabs. The Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes. I think that what the Janjaweed and Sudanese military are doing is really wrong. I mean they are killing helpless, innocent people just because of what they believe in. That is why I am very grateful we live in a free country where we are allowed to believe in what we want. To help the people of Darfur we can send donations, and just let more people know about what is going on in Darfur because I dont think many people know much about it.
9/11 Terrists Attacks
By Dillon
9/11 Terrists Attacks
Terrists attacked the U.S by taking our fully loaded jet liners and crashing them into our twin towers called the World Trade Centers. Red cross helped us by saving people and so did fire fighters and Britan, France, and Isreal. I thought that these guys trianed by Osama Bin Laden were stupid. Donate money to the people that lost their loved ones and are having trouble paying bills.
On January 12,2010 a horrible event happened in Haiti.They had an earthquake that was a 7. Many people were covered in buliding pieces for days and weeks and there isnt much aid in Haiti so many people are dieing from not getting help in time. It has brought the US together and everyone is trying to help as much as they can. They need your help so please donate.
-haley t
-haley t
Helping Haiti
Haiti was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on January 12th. It was later hit by a 6.1 magnitude aftershock. At first, the Haitians believed their president was killed because the National Palace, the President's residence, collapsed. Luckily, the President survived. Various organizations are helping Haiti, like CNN and the Red Cross. Even celebrities have donated to Haiti. If you want to help, there are many ways to donate. A popular method of donating is through the Red Cross text message service. I think the tragedy in Haiti is awful, and that everyone should donate.
By Jacob K.
By Jacob K.
Shooting in Juarez
13 people were killed, 13 more were injured in a shooting within Juarez caused by drug wars and the like.
Authorities are helping, CNN is reporting on it.
I think that what is happening is unfair and unjust, and innocent people shouldn't be caught up in gang wars they didn't help to start. To help, spreading the word and simply being aware of it could do the best.
By Baylin B.
Help For Haiti
by Jessica O
Recently Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude Earthquake on January 12th. Haiti is a poor City to begin with so with this they have no food or medical supply. A lot of people are helping out Haiti with this whole Earthquake. Please help out and donate in any way possible. There are many ways you could donate there are funds and you could text this number and it automatically donates 5 to 10 dollars. I think this is horrible. So please help out in any way possible.Hurricain Katrina
I am writing about hurricane Katrina and thing organizations are doing to help. One really good organization is the NFL because people went to the football dome in New Orleans. NFL is the still raising money for hurricane Katrina . What I would do to help hurricane Katrina is sent food and lots of water. You can also donate by even old can food not bad can food. Because this happened people are low on money and need food and water. Don't forget about it people still need our help don't forget.
by jesse g
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Right now in Haiti a 7.0 earthquake has already hit and a lot of buildings and houses have collapsed and a lot of people are donating money to help out Haiti. The people who are not helping should help. I am not talking about a lot of money just a couple dollars every week. Tons of people have already died and the more we donate more people will not die. You do not have to donate money you can donate other things like cloths, medicine, bedding.
By Josh Rasmussen
By Josh Rasmussen
Help The Haitian's
The earthquake in Haiti happened January 12th, 2010.The earthquake was 7.0.There are a lot of different websites you can go on to help haiti like Help for Haiti,Red Cross,Relief for Haiti and many more. The Haitian's really need your help. The Haitian's that lived threw the earthquake are dieing because there is no food, water, medical, and there's not a place to sleep. So do your part to help Haiti.
By:Briana D.
Haiti blog
Recently I learned about the crisis in Haiti. A 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. Haiti is a very poor country so they have no medical supplies. All types of charities are helping Haiti. Habitat for Humanity is one of the many charities that is helping Haiti recover from this horrible earthquake. Many people are also volunteering to help the Haiti people. Rescuers have given up trying to find people after 20 days. Volunteer your time to help these people.
by Sam C
by Sam C
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